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ParseAddressComponents: Returns the HouseNo, Street and Apt components parsed from the provided address. All non-alphanumerics characters are removed from the results except for white spaces. If a zipcode or state abbreviation KY is found, they are removed from the results. An ErrorMessage attribute in the report details errors, if any, incurred during the request. An ErrorMessage value of 'None' defines a successful attempt. Example: FullAddress: 700 W Liberty St, 40203

ValidateStreetName: Returns street candidates against Louisville Metro Government data with a provided StreetName. The StreetName is parsed into components defined in the StreetCenterline data model: DIR, STRNAME and TYPE. Using the parsed components, a series of queries are executed against the AddressSite featureclass for a match. Note that querying in this manner results in only streets with associated addresses with be returned. That characteristic differentiates this operation from FindStreetName. In the first query, an exact match is attempted. If no candidates are produced then subsequent attempts query for similar streets. Exact matches candidates may be identified by the IsExactMatch property equal to true. An ErrorMessage attribute in the report details errors, if any, incurred during the request. An ErrorMessage value of 'None' defines a successful attempt. Example: StreetName: W Liberty St

ValidateHouseNumber: Returns house number candidates against Louisville Metro Government data with the provided Houseno and SifID. The SifID is the unique key for street names and may be obtained from the ValidateStreetName operation. The Houseno and SifID parameters are used together to produce a unique house and valid street name combination. That combination is used in a series of queries against the AddressSite featureclass. An initial effort is made to find an exact match on that combination. Exact matches candidates may be identified by the IsExactMatch property equal to true. If no matches are found then all house numbers are returned for the SifID. An ErrorMessage attribute in the report details errors, if any, incurred during the request. An ErrorMessage value of 'None' defines a successful attempt. Example: Houseno: 1323, SifID: 410

ValidateAddress: Returns fully qualified address (includes units) candidates against Louisville Metro Government data with the provided Houseno, SifID and Apt (optional). The SifID is the unique key for street names and may be obtained from the ValidateStreetName operation. The Houseno is assumed to have been prevalidated using the ValidateHouseNumber operation. The Houseno and SifID parameters are used together to produce a unique house and valid street name combination. That combination is used in an exact match query against the AddressSite featureclass. Candidates with matching Apts (if provided) are given priority. An ErrorMessage attribute in the report details errors, if any, incurred during the request. An ErrorMessage value of 'None' defines a successful attempt. Example: Houseno: 1935, SifID: 2451, Apt: 1

FindStreetName: Returns street candidates against Louisville Metro Government data with a provided StreetName. The StreetName is parsed into components defined in the StreetCenterline data model: DIR, STRNAME and TYPE. Using the parsed street components, a series of queries are executed against the Street Index File (SIF) table for a match. Note that querying in this manner results in any street within Jefferson County, KY may be returned. That characteristic differentiates this operation from ValidateStreetName. In the first query, an exact match is attempted. If no candidates are produced then subsequent attempts query for similar streets. Exact matches candidates may be identified by the IsExactMatch property equal to true. An ErrorMessage attribute in the report details errors, if any, incurred during the request. An ErrorMessage value of 'None' defines a successful attempt. Example: StreetName: W Liberty St

FindStreetSegment: Returns street segment candidates against Louisville Metro Government data with a provided Houseno and SifID. The SifID is the unique key for street names and may be obtained from the ValidateStreetName operation. The Houseno and SifID parameters are used together to produce a unique house and valid street name combination. That combination is used in a series of queries against the StreetCenterline featureclass. An initial effort is made to find the combination within address ranges for the street. If no match is found then all segments for the provided street name (SifID) are returned. An ErrorMessage attribute in the report details errors, if any, incurred during the request. An ErrorMessage value of 'None' defines a successful attempt. Example: Houseno: 825, SifID: 1260

FindStreetIntersection: Returns street intersection candidates against Louisville Metro Government data with two provided SifIDs. The SifID is the unique key for street names and may be obtained from the ValidateStreetName operation. The SifIDs are in a series of queries against the Intersection featureclass. An initial effort is made to find exact matches where both SifIDs intersection with each other. Exact matches candidates may be identified by the IsExactMatch property equal to true. If no matches are found then subsequent attempts are made to find matches for either SifID, not in combination with each other. Therefore, as an option, the value of -1 may be provided for one of the SifIDs in order to return all candidates for the other. An ErrorMessage attribute in the report details errors, if any, incurred during the request. An ErrorMessage value of 'None' defines a successful attempt. Example: SifID2: 6413, SifID2: 3

Supported Operations:   ParseAddressComponents   ValidateStreetName   ValidateHouseNumber   ValidateAddress   FindStreetName   FindStreetSegment   FindStreetIntersection